Last week MOTIONrehab took delivery of the complete Tyrosolution by Tyromotion including the LEXO robotic gait trainer at its new clinic in Doncaster.
The complete Tyrosolution comprises of:
The Concept
Traditionally in the UK patients with a neurological disease, illness, injury received 45 mins to 1 hour of physiotherapy a day whilst in hospital. In the community patients often only received one hour every week/fortnight for a short period of time. Opinion leaders across the international rehabilitation community believed that this is not enough to optimise recovery and a higher-dose therapy makes it more likely for patients to reach their full potential.
Patients often have big goals but typically only make a small amount of progress which can be difficult for patients to see or feel. With Tyrotherapy's accurate assessments, even the smallest of progress becomes visible to the patient which significantly increases motivation. The therapeutic games distract patients from their limitations, keeps them motivated and encourages more repetitions which helps to facilitate a higher-dose therapy
Tyromotion has a range of applications and numerous benefits to both the therapist and patients. The robot-assisted sensor-based devices are easy to use and can be used by Physiotherapists/Occupational Therapists and Therapy Assistants alike. The equipment does not take much time to set up and can increase the patients actual therapy dose. Unlike humans, robot-assisted devices do not tire and always perform the exact same movement with the same intensity and frequency. However, this does not mean the devices should replace therapists. Robot-assisted therapy supports therapists to work with patients in a more efficient and motivating way.
This is MOTIONrehab's third intensive rehabilitation centre following the huge success of clinics one and two in Leeds and Hull. The centres offer the complete upper and lower limb Tyrosoloution from Tyromotion enabling MOTIONrehab clients to accelerate their outcomes from their rehabilitation. MOTIONrehab was the first neurological rehabilitation company in the UK pioneer intensive rehabilitation augmented with robotics in 2018 and due to its success will be the first rehabilitation company in the UK open three intensive rehabilitation centres.
If you would like to learn more about how Tyromotion devices can help you to offer your patients truly intensive, high dosage rehabilitation and be a cost effective edition to your clinic, please email:
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