Tyrostation - Reports
Tyrostation in Standing
What is a Tyrostation?
The Tyrostation is an entry-level system to the Tyro-solution by Tyromotion incorporating the PABLO and TYMO devices
What does Tyrostation do?
Which patients are best suited to the Tyrostation?
“The biggest thing we have seen so far is the Tyrostation is really useful for patients who are generally quite inattentive. Those patients automatically and instinctively begin to initiate movement”
Tyrostation – Efficiency in therapy
The tyrostation is a space-saving system solution for Pablo and Tymo. Thanks to the integrated storage space, all devices plus accessories are within reach and immediately ready for use. The therapy surface is height-adjustable and can accommodate all patients. The Tyrostation is a popular choice for clinics and hospitals throughout the UK.
More than Equipment
The tyrostation is a workstation optimised for everyday use in therapy. Special storage space in the workstation’s surface create order for the Pablo system (consisting of the Pablo Sensor, the Pablo Multi-board and the Pablo Multi-ball). Storage slots on the sides keep TYMO and the appertaining 2-D and 3-D rolling elements always within reach. There’s also space for all pads and the seating cushion. And the stool is the perfect surface for sitting exercises with TYMO.
One for all
The All-In-One PC is equipped with the tyroS software. Thus, all devices can be easily and effortlessly used with the tyrostation. This makes a gapless record and assessment of the rehabilitation process possible.
For more information about the Tyrostation or to book a demonstration, please call 0117 941 3979 or email: enquiries@ectron.co.uk Alternatively, please complete the contact form below.
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