In January this year, Neurotherapy Worx in Wigan took delivery of the D-Wall by TecnoBody. Neurotherapy Worx is a specialist team of Adult and Paediatric Therapists based in a fully accessible clinic in Appley Bridge. Neurotherapy Worx offers both clinic and home-based rehabilitation. Over the last two months Neurotherapy Worx have been integrating the D-Wall into their everyday clinic. This short article shares their experiences so far.
Has it been easy to integrate D-Wall within your everyday clinic practice?
The D-Wall has been easy to integrate into clinic. It has been used during initial assessments, integrated into treatment plans and formal reviews. It enables us to undertake specific assessments and see change over time in patients’ abilities.
How easy is the D-Wall to use with regards to patient set up?
The D-Wall is very quick to set up once you have created a profile with a client’s date of birth, weight and height recorded. However, it is also possible to try different activities with an adult client without creating a profile. If you spend time in the Monitor facility so that the client understands how their foot position, their upper body and centre of gravity impacts the D-wall, this makes using the other settings, exercises, games more effective during the assessment and treatment process.
How are you using D-Wall in clinic?
We are using the D-Wall in many different ways!
Assessment and Reporting
How are the therapists finding working with D-Wall?
The therapists are finding the D-Wall easy to use, quick to switch on and to set up. The D-Wall is versatile and can be used with different equipment during activities. It can take time to explore and try all different activities available, but Therapists enjoy the large collection of exercises on top of activities you can create yourself and multiple games. The games help to keep patients engaged and motivated.
How are the patients finding D-Wall?
What do you like best about D-Wall?
The D-Wall is a real game-changer for helping people to work on their alignment and positioning and adapts to most patients. It is brilliant for assessment, movement, and motion analysis. We can use a variety of other equipment without compromising the function of the D-Wall for example, a treadmill, parallel bars, cushions, weights etc. There are a lot of different games some of which can be very challenging. It is good because there are different levels of games that can be easily adapted/adjusted to the patients’ needs and abilities. Easier for clients to engage with repetitive movements which aid recovery. With Case Managers are wanting clearer more objective data, and we can give them that now with the D-Wall.
We have been able to use the D-Wall with a wide range of patients including patients with brain injury, cerebral palsy, FND, MS, PD, metabolic conditions, stroke and spinal cord injury. The youngest we have successfully used D-Wall effectively was just 5 ½ years old.
Anything else you would like to add?
The D-Wall has been a fantastic addition to our clinic. We are continuing to learn about the many functions that it has but so far, it has been fantastic in terms of analysing movement and recording good objective data to help direct more specific, targeted treatment plans. We have found it particularly useful with people with one sided weakness and visual feedback on their position to be able to actively work and change their alignment.
The gaming function works well for a variety of people, and they generally become immersed in the game, which generally helps improve their dynamic movement/function.
We need to complete reports for some of our patients who have case managers, and we are now able to record more objective data to support our rehabilitation plans and to be able to record patient progress more effectively.
Neurotherapy Worx
If you would like the opportunity to access D-Wall as part of your rehabilitation, please call Neurotherapy Worx on 07821 210231 or email:
About D-Wall
If you would like more information about D-Wall for your hospital, clinic or gym please contact Ectron by emailing:
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