Following the success of Ectron and Magventures rTMS for Depression Treatment in June at The Royal College of Psychiatrists, Ectron will be holding a second workshop in Manchester on Wednesday 12th October 2016.
The workshop will be open to healthcare professionals from both the public and private sectors who have a particular interest in TMS for the treatment of Depression.
Ectron have received incredibly positive feedback from the workshop with 100% of all responses stating they would recommend Ectron and Magventure's rTMS Workshop to a colleague.
"The combination of lectures and practical demonstrations were excellent"
"Presentation by Professor Sack was very interesting"
"Informative and well presented"
A full programme will be released shortly.© Ectron 2024. All rights reserved. Website design by Website Sorted
Ectron Ltd, Anvil Street, Temple Quay, Bristol BS2 0QQ
+44 (0)117 9413979